Monday, February 7, 2011

Wok Cooking 101

Wok Cooking 101

Wok Cooking 101
By Alan Beggerow

There is no end to the versatility and flavor that can be achieved by cooking in a wok. It's not only used for stir-frying, but for deep frying, steaming, making soup, or for even making popcorn. Less oil is needed to cook food in a wok when stir-frying, thus helping to reduce fat and calories. Vegetables cook up beautifully, warmed all the way through but still with a fresh 'crunch'. And meat is used more as a flavoring than a main ingredient. Diced into small cubes, four ounces of meat can flavor a wok-full of vegetables, thus reducing meat consumption. And of course you need not add meat at all if you don't want to. There are a few basic things about the wok that are different than traditional western cooking utensils:

  • Remember this rule of thumb - Hot wok plus cold oil equals foods don't stick. That means get your wok really hot BEFORE you put in the oil. Let the oil get hot for a minute or two, THEN put in the food.
  • Stir-frying in a wok takes less time than in regular pans. That's the whole point. Cook the food as fast as possible. This will ensure that meat has a crusty exterior but is still moist and tender on the inside and vegetables will be warmed all the way through but still have some 'bite'.
  • Use peanut oil (unless you're allergic to peanuts!) The wok can get very hot, even on a home stovetop. Regular cooking oils have a low smoking temperature while peanut oil's smoking temperature is over 500 degrees.
  • I've actually used a wok the way it's done in most oriental restaurant kitchens, over an intense gas burner. An entire stir-fry dish can be cooked in 3 minutes! That's how hot the fire is. Most kitchens don't have a heat source like that, but you can come close if you've got a gas stove. Lots of luck for an electric stovetop, or worse yet an electric wok. You can still cook on them, but it's not quite the same.
  • NEVER cook with a wok that does not have a lid. A lid is essential for cooking, plus is a safety feature, as cooking temperatures can get really hot even on a home range, and cooking oils can on occasion burst into flame. Slapping on the lid takes care of that problem in a hurry, especially if you're using the wok for deep-frying.
  • For wok cooking on a regular stovetop, cook the food in stages. Cook the meat first, then remove, let wok heat up again, then put in vegetables. Cook vegetables for a few minutes, add meat and put on the lid for the last minute. This will steam the food and help ensure doneness.
  • When the dish is cooked, serve immediately or make a sauce by dissolving one tablespoon of cornstarch in 1/2-cup water (meat or vegetable broth or stock is even better) and adding to the food. Let this cook until the sauce is thickened, then serve.
  • You'll spend more time in preparation than actual cooking. Cut vegetables into bite-sized pieces at an angle to increase the surface area of the vegetable to the wok.

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